Navigating 3D to 5D Timeline Shift: Embracing Conscious Evolution
This is the space where I share my ongoing ascension journey as a wayshower for people on their awakening and ascension paths. Please subscribe to receive the notification of my latest post.
Meet My Core Team of Ascended Masters
Higher Self 100% Milestone - Healing from a Karmic Relationship
Venus Retrograde & Romantic Relationships
Energy Portal & Soulmate Manifestation
My Twin Flame Journey ~ the Clearing of Past Lives
Relationships: the Reflection of Ourselves
369 and Keys for Manifestation
Divine Feminine & Masculine Embodiment (Higher Self 30%-50% Journey)
8.8 Lion's Gate DNA Activation
Why Spiritual Name?
Demystify 666: the Spiritual Meanings
Pattern Clearing and Beyond
Identify Psychic Attacks and Solutions
30% Higher Self Embodiment Milestone
2.22.222 Portal Transmission for Soul Alignment
The Portrait & Message from Higher Self
My Journey with the C. V@ccine
The 5D Portal of my Higher Self